The Museum is conveniently located in Vanier Park in Kitsilano. Currently, the hours are Tuesday to Sunday 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Admission rates are discounted until September 15, 2021 while the Canoe Cultures :: Ho’-ku-melh exhibition is being set up causing some galleries to be closed.
There are a mix of permanent and changing featured exhibits. You will learn about British Columbia and Arctic maritime history through permanent exhibits featuring Fireboats, Lighthouses and Shipwrecks, Canadian Arctic routes and more.
The featured exhibit If I Lived in the Ocean is on view from July 29 to October 24, 2021. Artist Paula Nishikawara tells stories of the past and present through an underwater environment filled with evidence of humanity’s footprints.
Canoe Cultures :: Ho’-ku-melh can be viewed from September 16, 2021 to June 2022. The exhibition has been curated by Semiahmoo First Nation mixed media artist Roxanne Charles. The exhibit celebrates the resilience of Indigenous communities and honours the long history of canoe culture on the West Coast.
In addition to the exhibits, the Maritime Museum also books group tours, birthday party packages, summer day camps and wedding rentals. It also has a collections and research section and a gift shop that features nautical-themed gifts.
You can also access Indigenous resource links, archival material and the online library catalogue all from their website.